Creating an assessment type quiz?????

Jan 23, 2013


I am new to Articulate.  I have only used a few of the features for basic courses, so I have no idea if what i want to do is even possible.  Any advice would be helpful.  Thanks in advance.

We have a ergonomic assessment tool online, however I want to create it in Articluate Quiz to attach to our LMS course to make it easier to track.  The assessment tool consists of questions to the employee in regards to their personal set up.  Based on their response I want to give them feed back to assist them in setting up their workstation in an ergonomically correct fashion.  However, their answers are not necessarily correct or incorrect, they are just meant to guide the employee through the steps of setting up their workstation and to highlight areas' of concern. 

So, I don't know if i should make it more like a survey, but then i can't give feedback on each answer.  Or if i should make it a quiz, but again, the answers are not necessarily correct or incorrect. 

Here are two types of questions the assessment will consist of (one easy and one more difficult): 

For instance (an easy quesiton):

Question: Does your chair's seat height adjust up and down?

Answer Choices:

  1. Yes
  2. No

Feedback to Answers:

  1. If yes, adjust it so your feet are flat on the floor and your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  2. If no, submit a facilities work order to replace your chair.

(a more complicated question):

Question: Can you adjust the height of your work surface?

Answer Choices:

  1. Yes, I have a keyboard tray.
  2. Yes, I have an adjustable desk that i can adjust on my own.
  3. No, I don't have a keyboard tray and/or adjustable desk that I can adjust on my own.

Feedback: (this is the complicated part: I have feedback or different scenarios for each of the 3 answers. I have considered using the branching option, but not quite sure how it works and worried i might be making it more complicated than it needs to be.)  

  1. If you have a keyboard tray, adjust your chair first, then adjust the keyboard tray to ensure your wrists are parallel to the floor. (I could branch here, and send them directly to the chair section and then the keyboard section - i think)
  2. If you have an adjustable desk, (same as above, but may need a different branch to the adjustable desk section).
  3. Since you are not able to adjust the height of your work surface, you will need to height of the chair to ensure your wrists are parallel to the floor. You may then need a foot rest to ensure your thighs are also parallel to the floor. (could branch to chair section)

As you can see, my questions will be formed based on what i am capable of doing in Articulate Quiz.  Again, any advice would be helpful at this point. 



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