
Jul 07, 2015



I would like to create different games such as word searches or hang man and incorporate them into my training program, instead of using the freeform quizzing. Can anyone advice on whether we can import a game into articulate and whether we there is a way to create games like this?


Thank you.

12 Replies
LaVerne Stennett

Well, I am looking for games pertaining to memory or crossword puzzles for a terminology project I am working on.  There were some examples I found on this site but they were all storyline templates.  I currently working with Articulate studio 13. Any help you can  provide is appreciated.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi LaVerne,

This is for Quizmaker 09, but it's the only thing I saw in a quick search for Studio related crossword puzzles. So maybe thta'll give you a good place to start and then I'd suggest searching through those other sections of the site as well. Within the template you can filter to be just Presenter, Engage or Quizmaker.