Hotspot questions returning "incorrect" answers after publication to web (using IE 11)

Jun 27, 2016

I have a few Hotspot  questions using Quizmaker.  When I test in Quizmaker, they work correctly.  When I publish the training and perform the quiz, it doesn't matter where I click in the image, even if on the correct hotspot, the answer returned upon clicking submit is "incorrect".  I am using IE 11 browser.  How can I get the quiz to perform as designed in the published environment?

9 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Scott -- Thanks for reaching out and sorry for your troubles! Just to confirm, everything is functioning properly when Previewing within Quizmaker, but then does NOT work as desired when testing the course in the intended environment where it will ultimately be accessed by your learners? I thought I might also pass along this System Requirements sheet to ensure that content is being viewed in a supported way. 

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Jared,

I was able to take a look at the case Scott worked on with our team, but it looks like he was unable to recreate the issue he was having. As a result, I do not have any additional information to share with you on that.

I did just respond to a similar question here for you if you'd like to keep the conversation going in one location.

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