Issue with displaying text in quizzes

May 11, 2018

We are formating our Arabic courses. While editing a quiz, trying to edit the Success and Failure slides, the candidate's score and passing score show as required with the word "points" following. The translated version of the the candidate's score and passing score use an Arabic word instead of "points." When we preview the Success or Failure slides, only one letter shows.

I was wondering if the result socre variable field deal with Arabic inside. Anybody encountered this issue before and found the workaround?

Please see the screenshot below. The highlighted are Arabic "points"


4 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hello Haytham,

Thanks for including those screenshots. I can clearly see that the text on the results slide in Edit Mode doesn't match the results slide when you're testing the file.

Does this problem happen when you're previewing in Quizmaker, or only after the quiz is published?

Also, are you using Quizmaker '13 or Quizmaker 360?

Crystal Horn

Thanks for clarifying, Haytham.  I don't see any known issues with Arabic in the variable names for Quizmaker 360.  Are you able to share the Articulate Package of this course so we can have a closer look?

I'm not sure about a workaround at this point, but I'd like to get some eyes on this behavior.  Thanks!

Haytham Aly

thanks Crystal for the follow up.

We had to change fonts at a later stage and found that the issue was resolved. The font used when the issue showed was Arial (Open Type). The font we used later and fixed the issue is Simplified Arabic (Open Type). Both are standard system fonts. If this issue shows up again, I will inform you.

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