More than 10 Multiple Choices?

Aug 30, 2012

I've been asked to build a survey for a client. They have a questions with 15 choices, and are insistent on keeping that number. In Quizmaker the max option appears to be 10...any thoughts?

3 Replies
Bob S

Hi Rob,

Welcome aboard.

Maybe.... fire the client? 

Seriously, it's hard to imagine an effective question that would require that many responses. Quick thoughts...

  • Explain that this many choices is "not good instructional design" and may serve to confuse users more than cement the learning
  • Consider breaking the question up into separate topics and or rephrase the same question; in either case you can split the possible responses across more than one question that way
  • Most imporant and start here....  talk to the client about WHY they want all those choices. What is it that they are hoping to accomplish.  You may find that they are afraid that if they don't cover every possible bad choice in the question, that their learners will not be "covered". Once you understand their motivation, you may find you have other ways to address the concern.

Hope this helps,


Bob S

Or maybe I should have read more carefully that you were building a survey and not a quiz 

In any case, maybe splitting or tiering the questions might help indeed.

Also, for certain topics the client really wants the info in the sweet-spot of the curve and all outlyers are not that big of a deal. For example....

If it's something like median household income, they already know that most of their customers are between 75K and 150k let's say. So instead of building options of  0-20k, 20-40k, 40-60k etc etc for 15 times, consider "gating" the responses with something like under 50k, 50-70k, 70-90k, etc till 150k plus

Hope this helps and good luck,


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