Question marked incorrect in HTML5 browser and marked properly in Flash browser

Jul 24, 2015

We have an Articulate Quizmaker 2013 quiz published to scorm 1.2 and include html5 .

The quiz works properly in Flash browsers. 

The quiz scores a question as incorrect in a HTML5 browser.   

In both instances the index_lms.html is used to launch the quiz. 

Has anyone else experienced this and if so any recommendations. 



6 Replies
Tim Venettozzi

The multiple answer question in html 5 viewing is being graded as incorrect when the correct answers are selected. 

Which of the following are Guiding Principles of ... Field Service reporting?

The answer starting with "Inaccurate reporting causes ..." is not  a correct answer.  The other 3 are correct answers. 



Leslie McKerchie

Hi Tim!

I took another look at this and I am able to re-create the behavior you are describing and can see where this issue has been filed with our QA Team. I will add this thread for their awareness and so that I can update you when applicable.

Due to this issue, I imagine that you would not actually want the html5 to take precedence for your users as your questions sounds.

Crystal Horn

Hi everybody! I’m so happy to tell you that we’ve just released Update 9 for Studio ’13. It addresses the issue where the HTML5 version of your course would mark questions incorrectly during the quiz Review if you had your quiz set to submit the answers "all at once."  You can download the update here and see the release notes in full here. Once you've downloaded the update, you can republish your course.

Thanks for helping us make this improvement!

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