Quizmaker + WordPress + Plugin..plus plus plus

May 23, 2012

Hi All - David (thanks for the tweet) suggested I post my query here..  

Working with a client.. she has load of quizes that need to go onto a Self Hosted WP site.

I found the Articulate WP Plugin that Brian Betts wrote, but it isn't working as the video screner shows.   Main issue is when we upload a test quiz, all fine, but then there is no way to "see it" within the Content Library..  per the video..  here is a screen shot.. 


Clicking content library simply shows the video again.. 

Additionally, client really wants to have a list of quizes on a single page  and then have them float over the page when user clicks.  I've got this part figured out by using "thinkbox content" as a plugin but again, there is no "easy" way to see the file.. one must know the directory structure of the server etc.  

I did see that earlier post for using the Public Folder on dropbox, and I suppose that would be one option, just host all the quizes there vs on the server.  Current test quiz is only 1.8mb. 



6 Replies
David Anderson

Hi Adam-

Are you using Brian's plug-in now? I'm unable to get it to work on any of my blogs even on different servers. It could be the latest version of WordPress that's causing issues.

I see what you mean re: the screenshot. One thing you could try is opening your published Quizmaker .zip file and renaming quiz.html to player.html

It's possible that the plug-in is looking for the player.html file? I don't know, it's just a guess.

You should still be able to embed your Quizmaker files into WordPress. You could copy the iframe code that Brian's plug-in generates and update it with the url to your quiz.html file. I think you know that and you're probably more focused on getting the quiz to display in the media gallery.

Can you try changing the quiz.html name to see if that helps at all? I'm sorry I can't test anything here--the plugin uploads my file but never completes the process. Brian's out this week, but I'll connect with him when he gets back to see if there's an update to the plug-in.

Adam Silver

Hi David 

Yes, I actually do have the plugin working at the moment.. works fine.... but would like to have an easier way to have a list of quizes, that then use a fancybox overlay work.  

I can try the name change form quiz to player.. see if that fixes anything..but guess not.. since it is working.. 

Actually, pretty sure the only way to really make this "simple" for client will be to have them upload via FTP and note the naming/directory to then use a different plugin (ThickBox Content) instead of the Articulate plugin..then link to the iframe etc... It's not "one click simple".. but I'll just document the process for the client and go from there. 

Brian Batt

Hi Adam,

I just got back from vacation and David forwarded me your question.  The plugin was developed to provide an easy way to get Articulate content embedded as an iframe into Wordpress.  Sometimes, the content will not upload properly due to settings on the server side.  Most of the issues that I've seen are documented here:


You've stated that you were able to find a workaround.  Is everything working as expected now?

Adam Silver

Hi Brian  - 

Welcome back... hope vacation (?) was good!  

The plugin actually works for me. no errors to speak of.. rather the section where you can "see" them after you've uploaded them to the server.. that doesn't work.

The work around I think that I will offer my client will be using dropbox public folder..  it's a bit slower on load time, but i'll work for now.  If you ever upgrade the plugin, I'd love to see some sort of fancybox implementation.    Overall goal was to have a list of quizes for a subject/page on a wordpress site.. then click that quiz or graphic.. have the quiz pop up (fancybox) on that page.... that vs 1 quiz per page..  etc..

that said... its doable.. and not "hard" but more steps for the newer person working in WP with some copy/pasting of code. 


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