Removing Submit All button

Apr 01, 2013

I'm publishing a quiz in presenter and the Submitt All button is displayed on every quiz question.  Is there a way there a way that I can get it to display only on the last quiz question?

3 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Caprice,

Are they separate quiz questions from different quizzes? I believe this will display for quizzes that have the "Submit all at once" option enabled. Unfortunately, you won't be able to hide this button if you need to keep the all at once option enabled. If you'd like to see an option to customize this button in a future release, please submit a feature request

Caprice Haywood

Thanks Christine.

All of the questions are from the same quiz, but I do have them segmented into groups.  The quiz is also being published in Presenter.  I selected submit all at once, because I wanted to give the learners the option of reviewing quiz questions and changing them before the quiz was submitted.  I know that I can change the number of times that they are allowed to select the correct answer, which I currently have set at one. 

This quiz is not being published to an LMS, but to an online server.  Is there a way that I can set the quiz to allow the user to quit and resume where he or she left off without publishing the quiz to an LMS?

Christine Hendrickson

Hi Caprice!

You should be able to enable the resume function outside of an LMS. To enable the prompt to resume in Quizmaker '09, please do the following:

1. Open your quiz in Quizmaker '09.
2. Click the Player Templates button on the toolbar.
3. Select your player template, and click the Edit button.
4. Select the Navigation tab.
5. Select the check box for "Prompt to resume on quiz restart".
6. Click the OK button.
7. Click the Close button to edit the Player Template Manager.

8. Publish your quiz.

Resume information is stored in a Flash Shared Object, not a browser cookie.  The Flash Shared Object is not specific to each browser and is why you will be prompted to resume Articulate content when the same system uses different browsers to view this content.

If you've enabled this, but the prompt isn't working for you after uploading the course to your web server, we'd be happy to take a look at what's happening.

Please create an Articulate Presenter package by following the steps in the following article:

Send to Articulate Presenter Package

Attach the .ZIP file to the second page of the following form: 

Submit a Support Case

Please be sure to include a description of your issue and also include the URL for this thread in the case. Also, if possible, please share the case number with me, so I can follow up with you in this thread. You're welcome to share the case number in this thread, or send it to me in a private message.

Thanks Caprice!

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