screen flashes when clicking next in quizmaker

Jul 22, 2019

OK, here's a challenge.  I am in Articulate Studio 360.  I have created a quiz in Quizmaker.  When select the correct answer and click "next" to go to the next slide, it flashes the entire question before advancing to the next slide.  It's a quick second but it is very distracting.  I have no transitions or animation in the question, just a straight multiple choice question.  

anyone experience that phenomena?

5 Replies
Lauren Connelly

Hi Cindy!

I can see how that would be distracting! Are you comfortable sharing your file so I can what's happening on your end?

You can attach the file to this discussion by using the "Add Attachment" button, or if you prefer to share the file privately, you can head over here so our Support Engineers can take a look! Either way, we will make sure to delete the file after testing.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Cindy,

Thanks for sharing your Quizmaker file! I added it into a Presenter course so that I could see how it'd behave with the blank slide after it, and I saw what you were describing where the slide would flash. I looked at recreating the slide and that version showed no flash when advancing to the next slide. 

Can you share any more about how you created the singular quiz slide? Are you saving, editing files and importing in images from a local drive? Working from a shared drive is known to cause some odd behavior, ultimately leading to corruption. 

Let me know if you can think of anything else that'll point us in the right direction to prevent this from happening again! In the meantime, I'd look at rebuilding that singular quiz slide from scratch to ensure you no longer see the flash/blinking when advancing slides. 

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