Time Testing limit with three attempts

Dec 05, 2016

Hi All,

I'm trying to figure out how I can set-up countdown timer in my test that won't reset every time my students start there 2nd and 3rd attempt on a 3 attempt max test.  I know how to set the timer up in the edit result slides, but I'm giving my students 4 total hr.'s to complete a test that they have three attempts at within the 4  hour window  When I set the timer for 4 hr.'s. it resets when they fail giving them another 4hr's.  I want my students to have a maximum of  3 attempts "which I have set properly in Storyline", but also want Storyline to stop the test where their at and submit it.  I hope this is clear.


1 Reply
Alyssa Gomez

Hi there Randy! Thanks for reaching out here. My guess is you'll need JavaScript to set this up, seeing as you need the timer to continue running for all quiz attempts.  JavaScript is not something I can help support, but I do know that we have many savvy users in the community that may be able to pop in and assist!

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