360 image project - trigger shoots without the user clicking on the marker

Jul 18, 2022

Hi there,

I am using a trigger linked to a marker in a 360 image project. The marker is used on a door. After the user has gone through all the other markers, s/he is invited to click on the last marker and "go out of the office" - the trigger that is linked to this last marker is "Jump to scene". The idea is that the user is taken to the next scene only after s/he has clicked on this marker.

However, the Jump to scene is executed even without the user clicking on the marker. 

Is that a normal behaviour and if yes, how to find a workaround?

Thanks in advance


5 Replies
Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Boyan.

Thank you for sharing the .story file!

Since you're using the Guided Tour type of navigation, when the user clicks the arrows at the bottom, it automatically opens the next marker, which is why your trigger (which is connected to opening the marker) executes. 

If it works for your design, my suggestion is to add a button to the marker's label and connect the trigger to that button:

Button on marker label