Able to change answer and score after submitting results.

Feb 23, 2017

This is not consistent. It happens infrequently so is not easily reproducible.

After taking the test and submitting the results, I can go back to a question and change the answer after I click the submit button. This is a custom submit button. The answer I originally chose was incorrect, and when I click the submit button, it says it is incorrect, but then it will let me change the answer. When I go back to the results slide, the score has changed as well.  Has anyone else run into this?

4 Replies
Dave Cox

Hi Yvonne,

No, I've not seen this myself, but try this. Make sure that your submit button shows a new layer, correct or incorrect. In the correct and incorrect layers, make sure that "Prevent the user from clicking on the base layer" is checked. (This is the default if you use a question slide). From the correct and incorrect layers, have a continue button that the user can use to navigate to the next slide. This should prevent the user from re-accessing the question.

Yvonne  Dougherty

Hi Dave,

I do have all of those settings in place. I do have a question. On Revisits, Automatically Decide is the default. Could this be causing it? Should I have it set to Resume Saved State?

Thanks for your help.

Yvonne R. Dougherty
601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 668
Rochester, NY 14642
(585) 275-0789

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