Add timer delay to a trigger

Mar 01, 2024

Hi all,

I would like a slide object to change state when another object is clicked, but I would like it to be delayed by a few seconds. The reason is that object 1 triggers a change of state of a picture to a GIF, and the GIF will run for like 3 seconds. I would like object 2 to become visible after the GIF finishes. this possible?

4 Replies
Nedim Ramic

Just a thought. I would probably use a new layer named "Delay". It could run for 1, 2 or more seconds then I'd hide it when the timeline ends on this layer. Now if you want delay  a change of state  you would need two triggers: one to change the state and one to show delay layer when something is clicked. Check my short video. I don't know what your settings are and how this would work for you. You may also share your slide for everyone to try to come up with different solutions.

William Ryan

Thanks for your response. Maybe a little more refined than the one I came up with... 

What I did was to make an off-screen shape that was initially set to hidden, and when object 1 is clicked, sets it to normal with a 5 second entrance animation. Object 2 is triggered when the animation is complete.