Animation doesn't work on visited slides?

Dec 01, 2013

Hi all

So I've been learning Storyline for 2 days and build 2 slides with a lot of animation.

One thing I notices is when I play the 2 slides, on the first run everything is fine with all the transitions and animations. But when I revisit the slides, everything shows up flat with no time delays and no animations. (I have elements to appear with few seconds of delay to each other, but it seems it only works on the first run ).

is there a way to correct this?


1 Reply
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Ni and welcome to Heroes! 

You may want to look the revisit settings on your slide properties - as if it's set to "Resume saved state" when you revisit the slide you'll see it just as when you left it, as in all animations played through. For more information on how to control the slide properties I'd suggest beginning with this tutorial. 

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