Attach PDF File on a specific slide in Storyline 360

Jan 21, 2020

Hi, hopefully somebody can help: I want to attach a PDF file to a specific slide in Storyline 360. I am aware of the resources tab in the player but I believe that isn't an option in my case (because then I cannot control at what point in the training a participant can open an attachment?.

I'm making a case study where participants follow a client over time. They get several information updates (PDF files) when they progress. I don't want them to be able to open all the files at once, then the case study loses its function.

Thanks for helping. 

5 Replies
Steven Croft

Can't you just use the "link to URL/file" trigger from a layer that appears only when certain criteria is met?

@Matthew Bibby - so there is no relative path name available in Storyline360? It would be useful if links just started at the working folder, not all the way back to C: drive etc? Sounds like a request is needed!

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