Attempting to use both Review Correct and Incorrect Answers and Review Incorrect Answers Only on same result slide

Sep 03, 2020

Developing in Storyline 360.

I am attempting to allow the learner the ability to review all of their answers (both correct and incorrect) or review only their incorrect answers to a sample certificate quiz. Since the review offers a rationale for the correct answer it is important that the learner be able to review all questions. However, equally as important is the ability for the learner to review only their incorrect answers to determine the gap in their knowledge before taking the certificate exam.

I have two buttons on the result slide, one for review all answers and one for review only incorrect answers. However, when I change the review results trigger for one of the buttons, the other button's trigger is changed to match the first button.

Is there a way to prevent this from happening? 

I have attached a sample file with 10-question question bank from which 5 questions are drawn with the result slide as mentioned above.

Any help given is greatly appreciated.

5 Replies
Garth Yorko

Try using two Results slides.  The first is set to show both incorrect and correct questions.  The second is set to show only the incorrect questions.

I copied the review buttons from each Results slide and pasted onto the other.  Then edit the text of the button.

I added a trigger to the next button for each Results slide to jump to the Cconclusion slide (1.7) if the ResultsScorePercent is great than or equal to 0.  I needed this to make it navigate correctly without showing 2 results slides in succession.

Here is the published version (only 2 questions):

The source file is attached.

Don Griesheimer

Please help! The solution above is not working.  Here is a link to a Review 360 where I have a title slide, ready slide, 8 questions in a question bank with all questions randomly selected, two result slides, the first with a "Review" both button, an "Incorrect" button to view incorrect answers only linked to the second result slide, a "Reset" quiz button to retake the quiz (it resets both result slides.) and an "Exit Course" button to exit the course.

If the first answer in the quiz is correct, the "Incorrect" button skips to the first incorrect answer, but then displays the remaining questions.

If the first answer in the quiz is incorrect, the "incorrect button displays all of the remaining questions.

Is there something I am missing?

Don Griesheimer


In the previous example I was using a question bank from which to randomly draw questions. This seems to be the issue. Further testing showed that when the questions were slides in the scene, the "Incorrect" and "Review Both" buttons worked as expected. Here is a link to the updated file in Review 360:

What do I need to do to report this issue to the development team? This seems to be a bug in the programming.

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