Background Music in Storyline 3...still an issue

Dec 19, 2018

Hi Everyone!

I've read every post regarding adding background music to Storyline (all versions) and have tried each suggestion this awesome forum has offered. I've had relatively good success with most suggestions. I'm still struggling with options and could use some ideas.

I recently updated a 20 slide SL2 course into SL3. I used Emily's idea for adding background music as noted in her post here, for the .html file and updated it to also add to the .html5 file. Using this code and adding the .mp3 file in the output folder works beautifully in both SL2 and SL3 when viewed locally. However, when uploaded to my AWS, the music does not play, with either .html or .html5 file (SL2 or SL3).

I updated all my files with the Articulate Updater, so that music would play in Chrome (because of their recent changes) and all my other files play audio just fine now. These other audio files are mostly narration, with a few .mp3s on a slide/layers, but nothing that is using the code in Emily's post.

Is anyone else have similar issues or does anyone have any ideas that I might be able to try.  While I could easily move all my slides into layers, that would be a tremendous amount of effort, for this particular project.

Note: I've also tried the java script web object option noted in Emily's post by Owen and had the same issues in AWS.

And, Articulate, when can we have this as a feature? Clearly, it's been highly sought out after for many, many years and would very appreciated by all your users to have it updated in SL3 and/or for those using 360.

Thanks for all an any ideas!


1 Reply
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Lisa, 

You're right, it's been sought after for a bit, and the community had rallied around to create a few workarounds. That seemed to suffice for a while, and with the rewrites to our HTML5 output in Storyline 3 and Storyline 360, a lot of those same solutions no longer worked. 

Our team is tracking the feature requests for this and although it hasn't bubbled up to the top of our roadmap yet, we're still listening and gathering feedback. We'll let you know here if this is added to the list! 

I'll leave the creative ideas for setting this up in SL3 or SL360 to folks in the community! You may also want to try reaching out to Owen directly (look for the Contact Me button on his profile) to see if he could share more ideas with you. I believe he had this working in SL360... 🤔

Thanks for adding your voice, and let me know if I can help with anything else! 

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