Best practices for developing a course for mobile and desktop/tablet

May 20, 2015

Hi all,

Has anyone ever developed 2 courses alongside each other?

So for example I have a client that would like to have a course made which runs on mobiles, tablets and desktops. I have made courses previously which run and scale fine on tablets and desktops but as soon as it runs on a mobile device it is understandably unusable.

The only solution I have for this would be to develop alongside each other, two versions of the same course, one for mobile and one for desktop and tablet. Obviously this would increase development time but I can't think of a better way of achieving this unless Articulate became responsive (I hope it will soon!)

Has anyone else had the same issue in the past? and how did you go about it?



2 Replies
Trina Rimmer

Hi Phil. Great question! The mobile, desktop, and tablet user experiences are all so different. In terms of best practices, personally, I think you'll get better results by developing separate versions with use-case-appropriate content focus and visual treatments for each. You can manage the design/dev processes in parallel—particularly if you're using a lot of the same content, but expectation-setting with SMEs, and building-in plenty of time for testing is crucial when going this route. 

I think you'll find this discussion thread and this discussion thread are both chock full great advice from the ELH community and definitely worth a read.

And in terms of Articulate's mobile strategy, I think you may find this article enlightening.

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