Bookmarking with Articulate

Mar 20, 2014


How can I make articulate call setBookmark for every slide change, and what is format of string GetBookmark()

We don't have SCORM LMS that can import and do all this automatically, we just have published version of course provided by CLient and we need to host it and create bookmarking for it.

We can't use cookies cause bookmarking needs to be done per user not per computer.

Thanks in advance.

5 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Senad,

How are your Javascript skills? If you don't have an LMS to track this and you can't use the functionality of cookies in a web browser, I think you're going to need to set this up using some Javascript which unfortunately is not something I'm equipped to support. There is an article here on some Javascript best practices and there are a number of community members who are well versed in Javascript.  If you're going to have multiple users accessing the course on the same computer, you'll also want to think about what "Resume behavior" you use, as I'm not certain if you'll have a way to determine which user is which? 

Senad Meškin

I'm good at JS, and I already resolved this.

I have created JS object with the SCORM 2004 methods, named it API_1484_11 so course can use it.

Then I have implemented data capture on cmi.suspend_data when calling SetValue() method.

After that I have used Query string parameters to identify user, I only need it for bookmark. I use those params for get and set.

Now everything is working but I still don't understand what this data means: "2Y1g7050a040c0b060d0SR1001013J010110111101211010120111201212013110121101013B508000101010101010101010101010101000000000000000000"

And one more info, i hade to call SCORM2004_LMSInitialize() method once course started in order to make resume work with the provided data.

But thanks again, this was bad experience for me.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Senad, 

Storyline compresses suspend data to avoid exceeding data limits imposed by some learning management systems. As a result, the suspend_data string in an LMS debug log isn't human-readable. That is, you won't be able to decipher it. There isn't a way to force Storyline to not compress the data. 

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