Can published files be viewed if Flash is not installed on Computer?

Jul 13, 2015

My company is going through some transitions and will be deleting Flash Player from all corporate laptops. I keep all of our Published files on an intranet site but am finding that the files are not executing when Flash Player is removed. Is there a workaround or another way I can publish the files so they can still be viewed without Flash Player? 

3 Replies
Nancy Woinoski

If you  publish your courses using the HTML5 setting and them provide your users with the story.html5 link instead of the story.html link your courses should play without the flash player.  just be aware that there are some differences in the funtionality between the HTML 5 and flash so after creating the html5 version test it to make sure everything is functioning properly. You might need to make some adjustments to your course.

This could be a big job depending on how many courses you have.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Ryan,

I'd agree with Nancy here - you'll want to ensure you've published with HTML5 as an option and then if not, you'll need to republish and update the links. As far as differences, they're documented here and you will also want to make sure that you as the author still have Flash installed on your machine as it is required for authoring. 

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