can't get the tabbed interaction to work

Mar 07, 2016

Hi everyone!

I am using that great tabbed interaction that Tom Kuhlman created. Unfortunately, it's not working.  I've gone over and over the triggers and layers, but I don't see what I'm doing wrong - everything looks good. (The first tab works, though.)

I've added an audio file to each tab. Maybe that's the problem?

21 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Lerissa

just a recommendation - I would put the audio for each tab on their respective layers - then you could lose the audio triggers on the base layer might make it easier to control.  Do you want to have a go at doing that and see if it makes a difference. 

On the moderate slide I can work backwards from right to left and get all tabs to work and show layers.

Wendy Farmer

Hi Lerissa

I have updated just the Moderate slide so you can look at my changes and do same for next slide.

  1. I cut the audio for each layer from the base layer and pasted onto the relevant layer.
  2. Added triggers on the layer to play the audio and also to hide the layer when the audio completes (you may or may not want this)
  3. Also adjusted the layer properties for a couple of the tabs 3 and 4 where the option 'prevent the user from clicking on the base layer' was checked...that's why they weren't working.

Hope this helps


Lerissa Patrick

This is a really embarrassingly stupid question, but I haven't been able to find the answer. How do you make the layer triggers panel display? Also, I really couldn't tell what you were doing in that video (sorry). I'm a rank beginner when it comes to layers and triggers. You can't assume I know anything. :-(


Lerissa Patrick

Yes, I know that is where they are. But I'm puzzled about the pane above it: the Triggers pane. The only way I can get it to show up is if I create a new Trigger. That's fine, but where did the other Trigger go? That is, the one that makes the Player jump to the next slide when the user clicks the Next button? It was there at one point ... now it's gone.

I finally figured out how to get the audio on the layer, I think. Maybe not. I created a new Trigger and that pulled up a box that allowed me to set it up, but it still exists in the Timeline. ?


Wendy Farmer

Hi Lerissa

Click View > Redock all windows that should put all the panes back where they are.

If there is no Next / Prev trigger then check the base layer properties (the little cog wheel in the bottom corner) and see if the ticks have been taken off the Next / Prev buttons. They are automatically created by SL if you have the player Next/Prev buttons selected.

The base layer has a timeline and each layer has it's own timeline as well.

What I did was cut the audio from the base layer, click on Layer 1 and paste the layer 1 audio on that timeline. Repeated for the other 3 audio clips.  So there should be no audio on your base layer unless you have an intro audio clip - all the layers will only have one clip which is relevant to the layer they are on.

Wendy Farmer

Hi Lerissa

the beauty of this public forum is you have access to a multitude of people all over the world using Storyline who are willing to help you.  No question is a silly question and you can be pretty sure if you are asking it someone has already asked it or is thinking it as well.

Good luck with your project and feel free to shout out with any other questions.

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