Can't set "Enter" as a trigger

Feb 16, 2024

Morning everyone! 

I'm relatively new to Storyline 360 and am wanting to add "enter" as a submission button to show if users typed the correct answer. If it's correct, it should show a check mark next to the word bank. However, the trigger is only working if i click outside of the box. The trigger I have tried to set is:

"Change state of Text box 7 - Family Health Coordinator set state to Correct 
When the user presses Enter after clicking on this layer"

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

4 Replies
Steven Benassi

Hi Jade!

Happy to help with this!

The behavior you encountered is an expected limitation of text entry fields. The value in a text entry field only gets assigned when a learner clicks outside of the field.

As an alternative approach, I would suggest modifying this interaction to a drag-and-drop scenario. Since the answer options are listed at the bottom of the slide, allowing the learner to drag and drop them on correct targets, should be a valid workaround.

If you run into any setbacks while authoring these changes, please let us know!

Nathanial Hilliard

In the past, I also have wished users could hit enter to submit text entry fields. For anyone who is interested, I modified your sample project to allow the Enter key to submit the value, rather than clicking outside the box. It uses a small piece of JavaScript to remove focus from the text entry field when hitting enter (as if you had clicked). The check for Enter can be turned on or off as needed.