Cannot enter an 'at sign' in text input field for a question bank

Mar 10, 2016


one of my students is building a course for teaching Java to other students. In a question bank, he uses a text input field to ask for the right answer - which is "@FunctionalInterface".

However, Storyline does not allow me to enter the "at sign", whether on Mac OS X (using VMware Fusion) nor on Windows 7, at least in the "Preview" (we have not yet had the time to publish and test it on the output).

If I enter the "at sign" using copy and paste, it will be accepted.

Is this a known effect?

Best regards,


7 Replies
Guido Roessling

Hi Christie,

thank you - alas, I did not see the reply until now. The article does not help, since it only describes how I can add a symbol into a course I am building. My problem was that end users of a course in the "preview" cannot enter the "@" in an open "text question".

I have attached a version of the story file that contains the problem - please skip to the question bank "Java Lambda-Ausdrücke", question 1. It should also appear on slide 1.4 (fourth slide) randomly, it is the one where the grey entry box appears directly above the text.

I cannot enter the "@" in the text input box either in the built-in Storyline 2 "Preview" nor in the published course using Chrome (Windows 8.1 Pro), either using the Flash or the HTML5 view.

However, it works just fine using the (same) published course with Safari under Mac OS X.

Any help would be welcome.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Guido,

Sorry that I misspoke (typed) there - not to say the German isn't standard, just not my standard. :) Are they using the Alt Gr combo to enter in the @ symbol or using the shift + 2 button as I do? 

If it's the Alt Gr combo, our team did investigate and found that some third party software was intercepting the key combination and that it seemed to occur only in preview not within the published output. Also, they recommended using this method to ensure that the combination works as expected. 

Guido Roessling

Hi Ashley,

no problem ;-). We are using Alt Gr to enter the "@", since this is the main/only way on a German keyboard - unless you reset it to US, that is. Shift-2 gives a double quote...

Strangely, it also does not seem to work in the published course using Chrome. In Preview, I can live with it not working well ;-).

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Guido,

Thanks for clarifying. When you tested the published course was it upload to your LMS or web server? Or were you testing it locally? Testing content locally is known to cause odd behavior and that elements may not work as expected due to the issues of browser security detailed here. 

Were you able to try the workaround I mentioned above? Did you also look at any other third party software that was installed? You can see this Windows article that includes a few other users commenting on the 3rd party software that was interring with it for them. I will include this thread in the report filed with our team as well in regards to the Preview output. 

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