Character limits in Storyline 360

Mar 08, 2023

I see that there is a character limit for the Project Title of 80 characters. I'm curious if there are character limitation for other items in the player as well, such as:

  • Scene Titles
  • Slide Titles
  • Glossary Terms
  • Glossary Definitions
  • Resource Titles
5 Replies
Jon Schiedermayer
Dennis Brinker
Eric Santos

Hi Dennis,

Thanks for reaching out! There is no documentation regarding the character limits for the items you listed. But I conducted a test, and you can find my results below:

  • Scene Title: 1,100 characters
  • Slide Title: 1,100 characters
  • Glossary Term: 300 characters
  • Glossary Definition: 9,974 characters
  • Resource Title: 1,200 characters

It is good to know these numbers, and it's unlikely that you'll exceed them as you are allowed a long string of characters for each item. You can find the Storyline project and the Word document I used for the test.

Let me know if that helps!

Joseph Francis

One potential landmine I inadvertently stumbled on, courtesy Saba/Cornerstone/SBX, is the length of a question on a quiz slide when publishing for SCORM 2004 (cmi.interactions.n.description does not exist in SCORM 1.2, so it apparently is not an issue there). I was recording a Completed/Passed at the activity level but an Incomplete/Failed at the course level. Doing some digging, their support person pointed to this error being generated in Saba:

"(43244) Failed to save CMI Interaction details. Failed while saving interaction having id \""Scene1_Slide4_MultiChoice_0_0\"".(319) Internal Error - You have exceeded the limit of 255 characters for 'Description' field."

To resolve the issue, the Content developer will need to reduce the number of characters in the Description field for the questions in the content to less than 255, and then the Completion should be marked when users successfully pass the Content.

The max length for the "cmi.interactions.n.description" field is described in the SCORM specification at (Click on the SCORM 2004 3rd Edition tab to see the corresponding fields).

Since the "cmi.interactions.n.description" parameter exceeds the max length, Saba fails to properly capture responses and completion status. I guess SCORM cloud handles this error so that's why it works there [I had tested the assessment on SCORM Cloud, where it worked perfectly, before submitting it to Saba Support].