Create interactive simulations?

Jan 23, 2013

Hey guys - Love this site and Storyline so far! I'm wondering if there is a way I can create a very simulated version of a software program with Storyline. I've done all the "demo" type stuff. What I really want to do is take screenshots of the system and allow users to actually "use" it. I was wondering if there was a way to do this with hotspots, variables, conditions, layers and/or states. Any suggestions or even where to start for direction?


1 Reply
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Melanie. Welcome to E-Learning Heroes!

If you're using screenshots, hotspots sound like an awesome idea. You could also use shapes and layers for drop-down menus (if there are any). Really depends what you want to do. Sounds like a great idea! 

If you want, you're welcome to share a .story file here with a screenshot and tell us what you'd like to add for functionality. Maybe we can give you some suggestions



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