Creating an 'Event log'

Apr 04, 2016

Hi all,

I'm currently creating a simulation where users are interacting with an environment.  They can use pieces of equipment, talk to people, order things etc.  Each of these things has a variable attached to it (most True/False, some numbered counting) to indicate whether they have interacted with it, and/or how many times. They do this within a timed environment - I have created a timer using variables that records what time since simulation started.

I need to be able to create an event log, and I'm not sure if I can - I think I've tried about a hundred ways so far, and it's just not happening.  Essentially, I have a separate slide called the 'event log'.  Every time a user interacts with the environment I want a text line added to the event log like 'Ordered ABC' or 'Used equipment 1%.  AND i want to be able to add to each of these line items the time at which it occurred, based on the timer variable.  e.g.

01:00 Used equipment 
01:03 Ordered ABC
02:07 Spoke to Bob

I have no problem being able to capture if they've done these things - I'm just trying to figure out how to use text variables (??) to display it, and how to do this so it allows for different actions and different timing every time.  

There are about 30 different types of actions, and the simulation runs for 8 mins.

Is there a way to add to a text variable, like you would a number variable?  For example, adjust text variable 'eventlog' to 'Used equipment' when user clicks button x.  Then add to text variable 'eventlog' 'and Ordered ABC' when user clicks button y, so that it ends up ' Used equipment and Ordered ABC'. 

Any thought starters would be greatly appreciated! Cheers!

4 Replies
Mike B.

The project here might help:

I believe the developer used a similar technique to add to her variable as the user types on the keyboard. It looks like she is using javascript within a trigger to add the text together:

var p = GetPlayer(); //get the Storyline player
var newNote = p.GetVar("newNote"); // gets the value of newNote
var allNotes = p.GetVar("allNotes") ; //gets the value of allNotes
p.SetVar("allNotes",allNotes+newNote);//sets allNotes to original value plus linebreak plus new note
p.SetVar("newNote",""); //sets newNote to empty string.
Christie Pollick

Hi, Tamara -- Thanks for reaching out, and in addition to the suggestion Mike offered, I wanted to let you know that you would also be welcome to reach out over in our design-related Building Better Courses forum here, as well. And please feel free to share your completed project, as it may benefit others who are seeking assistance with a similar idea, as well! :)

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