Display same layer on revisited slide in a bookmarked course

Sep 25, 2018

Hi, I have a course where the learner can leave the course at a number of points (a slide displaying a layer with an Quit and a Continue button). On relaunching the course (which is set to resume) they should be returned to the same slide and see the same layer with the two options (Quit/Continue) once again. However on return they are only returned to the same slide but don't see the layer. I have tried various methods, none are working. So I have tried setting the slide and layer to revisit to a 'saved state'. I have also created a True/False variable which becomes True when the layer is initially shown and then set another trigger on the base slide to show the layer when the slide timeline starts if the variable is True (with the revisit set to initial state). I'm sure I'm missing something simple here, any suggestions please.   

6 Replies
David Schwartz

I've got this working in the attached SL360 file. I used a variable that is set to true upon viewing the layer, and set to false if they layer is closed. But if the user leaves the layer open upon exit, it does save the state of the variable. The slide with the layer has a trigger to open the layer when its timeline starts in the condition that the variable is set to true. I didn't set the slide to resume a saved state, to assure that the trigger would run each time the page is visited.

Trevor White-Miller

Hi David's file is built the same as mine except he sets the variable back to False when the layer is closed.  However it recreates the same issue I have been getting but I think I know the answer now, maybe Articulate can confirm.

Basically if I set a variable value on a slide or one of its layers and exit the course on that slide without having gone somewhere else e.g. another slide, that variable change is not saved in the suspend data sent to the LMS at that time and therefore does not restore on the revisit.

If I move one slide forward and then exit the variable value is saved. Not sure if this is a Storyline feature or just when the LMS takes the data (my client is using Moodle).  

Articulate can you please confirm when variable values are passed into suspend data. Its kind of important to my design of this course.

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