Displaying Number of Correct and Incorrect on Result Slide

Nov 13, 2014

Need help with displaying number of correct and incorrect questions on the results slide in Storyine.

I have eleven questions quiz with the feedback slide total of twelve.   I set the all slides to 1 point each. I create a variable called “incorrect” and set the default value of 11.On the feedback slide, I have the text variable “Number of correct: %Results.ScorePoints%” and “Number of Incorrect: %Incorrect%”I have a trigger on the feedback slide to:

Action: Adjust variable

Variable: Incorrect

Operator: -Subtract

Value: Variable        Results.ScorePoints

When:  Timeline starts

Object: 1.12 Result Slide

Everything works on the first run except when I go back to retry the quiz, my incorrect result would show a –number and it is not resetting.  I think I need to set another variable to keep from subtracting and reset it for the retry.  I am lost from here.  Anyone?

3 Replies
Ted Nguyen


I set a trigger to adjust variable for the retry quiz and review quiz button and move to the top of the trigger and it seem to work for now on my local drive.  I will test it out on SCORM Cloud to see if it will pass.t

  • incorrect variable
  • = Assignment
  • Value and set it to 11 since my quiz has 11 questions
  • user clicks
  • button2



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