Do images get imbedded in storyline file?

Jan 04, 2016

I created an e-learning module and I will be passing the file over to another employee to manage.  Is there a way to "package" the file so that all the photos, videos, buttons, etc. associated with the story get grouped together?  I have several files/folders and not all content was used in my story.

Does the person taking over my file need all the photos, videos, etc as well or are they imbedded in the story file?

1 Reply
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi susan,

If you'll be sharing the .story file - I'd send them all the additional files as well to be safe. But photos and videos that are inserted on the slide will be included as a part of the .story file, the challenge comes in if they were linked files or the new employee needs to reinsert them. There is not a master file or way to package all the items that you've inserted. 

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