Does Storyline HTML5 output resize to all screen sizes?

Mar 18, 2014

Hi all, first post in a long, long time!

Can anyone tell me if the HTML5 output of Storyline automatcially resizes at runtime to fit all makes and sizes of Android and iPAD devices?


4 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Alan,

Welcome back to the Heroes community then! 

The HTML5 output is not set up for responsive design, although you can set the browser and player settings to resize or lock at the optimal size within the player settings as described here. Also, there are some great new tutorials on how to optimize your courses for HTML5 output here. 

Storyline content may work on some Android devices. However, we do not officially support Android devices or browsers. Click here to review the system requirements for authoring and viewing Storyline content.

If you'd like to see official support for a particular mobile device, we welcome your feature requests.

Crystal Horn

Hi there, John. Check out the Modern Player in Storyline 360. The player is fully responsive on mobile devices, and it will always scale to fill the available space on your device, or in your browser window on a desktop. The player will not stretch or change the dimensions of your slide content. Instead, it uses as much available space as it can.

Here's a sample course that you can launch on a few different devices to see. And no harm in starting a trial to see your own content in action!

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