Drag & Drop activity with Variables.

Nov 27, 2023

I am creating an activity where learners have to sort values into either a high or low priority, then choose from the high priority items what their "Top 5 Values" would be.  I’m having an issue displaying the top values.

I have a freeform drag & drop interaction where all values that are ranked high are a draggable object that is put on a target zone for each of the top 5 spots.  When a “value” is put in one of the top 5 target zones, I have a trigger to change a variable to a certain value based on where it is dropped. Variable equals 10 if dropped in spot 1, 20 if dropped in spot 2, 30 for spot 3 etc.

The problem I'm having is with the “only one object in each target area.” If a learner drops a value in a target area, but then changes their mind and drops another value in that area, the object goes back to its initial location on the slide, but the variable does not change.  This is causing a problem on the next slide when I want to display “Results” of the activity. 

On the results slide, I have all of the values displayed stacked (initial state hidden) in each of the 5 spots of the top 5 list.  A trigger will change the state to normal for the value based on what each variable is set to.  Show the value whose variable is set to 10 in the #1 value spot, 20 for the #2 spot etc. The issue is that if when choosing the top 5 list, an item is put on the list (triggering it’s variable to change) that value isn’t being reset if a learner changes their mind about the values place on the top 5. There is no issue if a learner moves a value from one location on the top 5 to another i.e. moved from # 2 value to #3 value since there are triggers to reset the variable, the problem is when a value is removed from the top 5 list all together.  Since the variable doesn’t change, a values that are layered above others will show on the results slide if they are put in a top 5 ranking but removed by another value being dropped in that location. 

I’ve attached my working story file to review.

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