Drag & Drop - Ranking

Jan 10, 2019

Is there a DRAG & DROP - RANKING option where the content of each item to be ranked by the learner can be edited in slide view (not form view)? I would like each of the items to be ranked to include a variable from previously answered questions but when I insert the variables in form view, they simply appear as text (for example... %previousanswer% appears as %previousanswer% instead of the learner's actual answer). I noticed that I can do this with other Drag & Drop quizzes where there are correct answers but I can't seem to do it with the Drag & Drop Ranking where there aren't any correct answers but rather the learning is ranking items based on their answers to previous questions. In short, I need a way to have the learner's previous answers appear all on one slide so that they can then drag & drop their answers to create a ranking that is not graded. Any help anyone might be able to provide would be much appreciated. I need to figure this out as soon as possible. Thanks a ton!

8 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Starla, let's jump right in!

I had an idea to create a ranking slide using a Freeform Drag and Drop. The second slide uses variable references to pull text from the previous slide.

Check out the sample I made for you, and let me know if that's what you had in mind. Here's a sneak peek of the sample in action!

Starla West

Hello Alyssa - YOU ARE THE BEST! This is perfect...exactly what I was looking for! Thank you.

For future reference, is there any chance you'd be willing to share the steps you followed to do this? I spent over an hour yesterday trying to figure it out and was convinced it wasn't possible.

Again, you're the best! Thank you.

Starla West

Alyssa - Thank you. This was incredibly helpful as it showed me where I was
making a mistake when trying to set this up. Have a great week!
Starla West
Founder & President
Starla West International

Executive Coaching and Business Leadership Training(Certified WBE)

55 Monument Circle, Suite 726
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Amy!

The user should see an "Invalid Answer" pop-up when they click the Submit button before answering the question.

Was this interaction created using a Freeform Drag-and-Drop slide? If so, you should see the option to edit the question in Form View on the right side of the screen.

If you'd like an extra pair of eyes on this, I can help! You can share your file publicly here, or send it to me privately by uploading it here. I'll delete it when I'm done troubleshooting.

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