Embedding a story

Nov 18, 2013

Hi there.

Previously, I was shown how to embed an Articulate presentation on a Squarespace5 site.: https://player.vimeo.com/video/149034851 by Brian

I use a Squarespace6 website. and I use Storyline instead (not the old Studio), so things are different.

BUT: I still must use the data storage on SS5 (for SS6 technical reasons).

If I now copy the url to embed on the site (as per previous explanation) there are two issues:

#1:   I don't know WHICH url of the Storyline output to grab.

The one I do grab is (http://dennisprice.squarespace.com/storage/articulate/testrun2013/trial-onetwo-output/story_html5.html) and when I paste that in the browser the player and content all works normally.

#2:    YET WHEN I TRY TO EMBED the link (it works slightly different in SS6 to the Screenr above - it is now drag and drop simple, no need to create an iframe) then the error is UNABLE TO RESOLVE URL.

My questions are:

  1. Am I grabbing the right URL?
  2. Is there a different/ better way?
  3. Is the a SS problem?

Thanks - help appreciated.


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