Ergonomy about quiz for matching question and click area question

Feb 17, 2017

Good Afternoon,

Hope you are fine. 2 questions about quiz :

1) matching question : how can I increase the font letter for the answer ?... I tried without successful

2) click area question: how to increase the "picture" of the click when you have a scheme and a colored template ? 

Attached document.

Thank you for your feedbacks.

Have a nice wk.



3 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Fabienne!

Unfortunately it's not possible to increase the size of the answer text - the text will shrink to fix within the box. You could look at creating a Freeform Drag and Drop interaction, and that way you'll have full control over customization. 

I'm not sure I'm understanding question #2. Do you want to increase the size of the gray drag and drop boxes? Those sizes can't be changed, but you can create boxes of any size with a Freeform Drag and Drop. Let me know if that answers your question, or if I missed the mark!

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