Exam Try Mode - How can you fail the test?

May 06, 2015

Hi Guys,

I'm having issues trying to figure this out. I'm using the Exam Mode to allow users to take exams based on the required software pathway.

What I can't figure out is how does a user fail the exam...so for example if you click on the wrong section of the screen you get the message "Incorrect - This is incorrect. Please try again"

So you keep trying until you click the correct spot on the screen. Then you reach the end and no matter how many times you clicked the incorrect part you pass the exam.

Basically are there any options that when a user clicks an incorrect part of the screen it logs it as a failed attempt?



9 Replies
Graham OKeeffe

Hi Leslie 

Thank you so much for the great reply....so here is my question if I set this to 3 attempts does it then factor in wrong clicks on the screen?

I don't really get how it works.....when it says failed attempt does it log that so you can overall fail.

Also if you fail 3 times can you retake from the start again?

Sorry for all the questions.

Thank you



Graham OKeeffe

Hi Leslie,

This is so great...your help is so good. So yes if I create them from scratch I can now see how to do this.

Problem is I already have them all created and I choose unlimited which means you can't fail.

So you mentioned I can also fix this slide by slide which I'm find with...can you tell me how I do this...I have attached a form view of one of my slides.

Thank you so much!


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