Export all text to speech for translation

Sep 05, 2018


I'm using Storyline 360. I need to translate all my closed caption text/text to speech to Welsh. The main translation was fine but I'm having to go into every slide now to copy and paste the text to speech translation in. I'm sure there must be a better way but I don't know what it is.

I tried export captions but that only did one slide and in a file I couldn't open.

Thanks for your help

Jo (New!)

23 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi there, Jo!

Here are the two sections from our User Guide on exporting and translating your closed captions.  

When you export captions from the closed captions editor, it generates a VTT file. You'll then open the captions file in a text editor or a translation program and replace the captions with translated text.

Let me know if you have more questions about that!

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Jo,

Are they different audio or video files? 

This would be the expected behavior. Check out the documentation here.

Bulk export and/or the ability to have one export document that can be sent for translation is a feature request that we are tracking. I'll be sure to add this conversation to the report so that we can update you here when we can.



To translate your captions, you must access to each text to speech file and export, one by one, the text. It is absolutely not productive !!!
And this is not only needed for the translation. Often, you have to edit the text to have the correct pronunciation, mainly for acronyms or to pause in the text by adding dots or commas.
After, you need to edit the captions to reflect the original text.

Karen Loftus

I'm weighing in on this being an issue too.  We maintain the English audio version file, then get the entire Storyline file translated into multiple languages and then save separate files for each language.  We then have to manually go in to swap out English for Spanish (or whatever language) captions.  What a time consuming process.  Is there a better way when the client wants the original audio to remain in English and only have the captions change into another language?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks, Karen and Joanne for sharing how important this feature is for you and your teams. This feature hasn't bubbled up to the top of our roadmap, but we're still listening to the feedback!   We'll let you know here as soon as we have any more info. Here's a bit more about how we work to prioritize feature requests.

Karen Loftus

Thanks for the consideration, Ashley.  The first module I did the caption translation on took literally a full 8-hour day.  That's a lot of manpower to spend on just one language translation; especially when we have multiple languages (and module!) to do. 

Since we're talking about this, let me also mention another time-waster on this topic of translation.  I have the translation text for that frame on the left monitor and the Storyline file open on the right.  I CTRL+C the Spanish text, and want to plop it in the correct frame.  I click on the audio file, click AUDIO TOOLS | OPTIONS, | ADD CAPTIONS.  I want to be able to just CTRL+V the Spanish text into the blue highlighted "cell".  I cannot.  If I do, I get the translated text copied into the "cell" and the English version is still there, requiring me to mess around to delete the English version. My work around is to DELETE CAPTION altogether, then add INSERT CAPTION along with the Spanish text.  It works but it's clunky.

Leslie McKerchie

Thanks so much for sharing that feature request with our team. 

I took a look after watching your video and thought it was because the actual text had not been highlighted to be replaced, but the same behavior happens then as well, and the text is not 'replaced,' but adds to the caption.

I can see how that would be time-saving as well.



I found a work around that you can use for bulk translation of the captions.
the storyline project file is in fact a zipped file. open it with an utility like 7zip and go to the folder Story/Media you will find all the subtitle files .vtt here.
In 7zip you can use the function Select... to enter a filter like *.vtt.

It will select all the .vtt file. Use Extract or the drag and drop function to put these files on a folder of your hard drive (e.g. Translation).
Translate the text under the time lines in the files see attach file. when done select all the files and drag and drop them to the zipped file in the same folder.
You will have to confirm the copy of the files and when it's done you can open your storyline project all the subtitles will appear translated.

First duplicate your original file before modifying anything and it is mandatory to not modify the name of the captions files.

I tried it it works well, of course it is not academic, but it save a lot of time.

James Bertelsen

Hi all,

I've created an app that does the following:

  1. Upload a Storyline 360 file
  2. Export an Excel XLSX report of all closed captions in the Storyline file.
  3. Edit captions in the report.
  4. Generate captions via speech-to-text.
  5. Generate audio via text-to-speech.
  6. Download Storyline 360 file with updated captions.

I am looking for files for testing. While I'm still in the testing phase, if you can share a Storyline 360 file with me, and if the app works with your content, I'll return to you the report with your updated Storyline 360 file.

I can be reached at jimbertelsen@gmail.com 


Craig Austin-Greenwood

I too, am struggling with this!

We have 8 modules in English with TTS and I have translated them in to 12 languages but the TTS is not exported with the content and remains in English. 

Is there any workaround to get all the TTS out and back in again without doing it individually?

I have done 3 modules in spanish but i can't face urdu, arabic, chinese and bulgarian.... please help!

davide pivi

Hi Phil, 
i don't understand what you mean exactly with the app, is this an integration in articulate?

In any case, we localize all our courses in 20+ different languages, it's a very big procedure to implement each localization, yet we choose Articulate as content developing software precisely because it had the course text import/export function so nicely designed:

Now we would like to add TTS features to our courses but localization times will skyrocket if we add this function because it would  mean to manually do something that could be VERY EASILY automatized. It Really make no sense to add such a great TTS function and then leave it out of existing automatic localization features.
I am not a developer, but to me it seems super easy to include the TTS fields in the "translation>export to XLF feature.