Extra white space in markers

Dec 03, 2021

Hi there, is anyone else having trouble with lots of extra white space being added to markers? I can't seem to make the marker text box size small enough so that it doesn't add all the extra space, but then it doesn't add an automatic scroll bar into it either. This seems to be a recent Storyline change. There doesn't seem to be a way to turn off automatic scrolling in markers. Thoughts? Example attached.

6 Replies
Lauren Connelly

Hi Beth!

Thank you for clarifying! There isn't a way to remove the scrollbars from appearing. If that feels like a dealbreaker when using markers, you could use a shape instead. I've created a sample slide where I've used shapes instead of markers. Feel free to copy/paste and add to your own project.

Eric Santos

Hi Ryan!

I'm sorry to hear about the issue downloading the project file. I can download it successfully using Lauren's link; kindly contact your IT team to open port 443 and add the endpoints in this article to resolve the problem on your end.

Lauren used a shape with a Selected state containing the custom textbox. Please try downloading the file again after adding the endpoints. Let me know if the issue persists!