Fly out animation function

Jan 29, 2018

Hi chaps

I'm having issues with the Fly out animation function - it worked perfectly early last week as my review version on the course works fine but even though the animations are in place they are no longer working. I have even deleted the old text boxes, added them again and added the new animations but they are still not working.

Fly in is fine!

Can any one help please?



7 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Liz

it appears to be the fly out on layers that are not working.  The fly out on the base layer works but not on the layers - I changed the fly out to a wipe down animation on the layer and it works.  I would log a support ticket with Articulate and get them to take a look.

Sorry I couldn't be more help.

Liz Langham

Hi there

Thanks for your help - at east I now know I'm not going mad!

Best regards


Liz Langham
Training Designer | Learning Solutions | Sainsbury's Argos

Email: Tel: 01908 603669 Ext: 8699
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