Font change in text variables (reprise)

Sep 13, 2013

Advance apologies- I know this was addressed in a thread back in summer 2012 but it pretty much died on the vine then. Every time I inject the results of a text variable into a shape, text box, or whatever, the ENTIRE shape, text box, and/or whatever renders in an awful Times New Roman font for many of my users. In the image below, disregard the red arrow reviewer comment and focus on the green highlight. That entire sentence with the %firstname% (Joe) should be the Articulate font I created it in. If I remove the text data reference, the sentence renders Articulate font normally in the user's browser. Has this issue been dealt with as a bug? Are there any further tips? I've tried everything offered so far, but it's hit or miss and it badly affects the look of the program.

6 Replies
Jeff Nauman

Thanks, Phil.. I was afraid of that. Hopefully to be addressed in the next update. I'll try Arial and see if it helps. There's still a sizable difference between Arial and Articulate- seems the kerning stretches out the Articulate quite a bit more than the Arial. It's better than TNR in any case! Thanks again.

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