goodbye.html page

Feb 13, 2014


I added a Javascript function //<script>top.planLMS.PLAN_choixRacine()</script>// in the googbye.html page in order to control the LMS player as I wish. It allows me to go back to a contents page when I click on the exit button of the module.

This new parameter works fine on PC, but not on iPad. The goodbye page doesn't seem to be displayed on iPad, so the script is pointless.

Is there a way to be able to use this javascript function?

Thanks in advance for your help.


3 Replies
Brian Allen

Are you using mobile safari and if so, is javascript turned on?

I know that this page says javascript can be executed in the HTML5 version, and I've done some successfully, but I've read that not all javascript will work in some browsers like mobile safari, etc.

I tried searching the forums for some leads on this but wasn't able to find anything recent....

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