GSAP, x-y transformation in the Modern Player

Mar 12, 2021

As some other users in other posts commented when resizing/scaling your browser a Storyline using GSAP for animation will loose its proper positioning and that ain't fun. Allthough i had that fixed for quite a while i didnot have the time to post about it. Well here is a solution. In the attached Storyline there is a function called 'get_XYPos()'. That function returns an array with the x and y value of the object you are using. In the Storyline there is a GSAP timeline looping a shape to scale up and down. A small rectangle (1 x 1 ) is positioned in the Storyline and used as reference to the correct position. On resizing the browser window, a function is called killing the GSAP timeline tween and then getting the new x/y positions and setting the circle to that new correct position.
Then the looping GSAP timeline resumes and the animation continues...

48 Replies
Lee Mulvogue

It looks like there are some matrix-related functions in slide.min.js, but I've got no idea what they are doing or how to hijack them; there may be a hidden built-in way of doing this, especially as Storyline is already using GSAP behind the scenes?

Transform matrixes are an entirely new concept to me, and honestly I feel it's a major step backwards that such things have to be calculated, that it's not baked into HTML5 so everything just works "automagically"

Math Notermans

Completely agree on that with you. And as the Classic player doesnot have this issue...i might spend time to compare the slide.min.js of both players to figure out what functions do the sizing and positioning you state... it indeed is built in somewhere. When checking the code you will notice lots of references to timeline, gsap and tweens. So it indeed is inthere somewhere probably.

Math Notermans

Hi Arystian,

Not really. You can control as many objects as wanted with 1 line of Javascript/GSAP code. Issue with the players is that they control scale of the Storyline in the browser, thus when using Javascript that doesnot relate directly to Articulate's code those can get out of sync. That mostly relates to positioning.

Several ways to solve that. Probably the most intuitive is not using pixels when positioning but using percentages or em. That way all your animated positions keep in sync with Articulates players.

James  Bennett

Hi Math,

Currently figuring out GSAP and testing with a few demos.

I'm not sure I follow when you suggest using % values to solve the zoom issue?

For example, I'm using a scale animation on an object to fill the screen but then if I zoom in/out it resets to it's original size

Here's the example:

Thanks in advance!

Math Notermans

Indeed that is some peculiar behaviour. Probably you should add a event handler to watch a resize of the window... in not tested dummy code some like this...
window.addEventListener("resize", ResizeHandler, false);

function ResizeHandler(e)
var e = window.event || e; // old IE support
var viewportWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth;
var viewportHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight;
console.log("ResizeHandler: vw = "+viewportWidth+" | vh = "+viewportHeight);

return false;

Math Notermans

In GSAP there is now a helper function 'getProperty'.
It probably does the same as my 'get_XYPos' and for sure is better tested in all circumstances.
You might wanna replace it with that.

var myElement = document.querySelector("[data-acc-text='someAccName']");
var elXPos = gsap.getProperty(myElement, "x");
var elYPos = gsap.getProperty(myElement, "y");
console.log("x: "+elXPos+" | y: "+elYPos);


Basic question incoming!

Hi Math, I've been trying to figure out how to move an element by a certain amount instead of placing it in the designated x position. I've tried using your getProperty code above and doing something like:

var XPos = gsap.getProperty(myElement, "x");, {duration:.2, x:"XPos+25"});

but as you can tell, that didn't work. I'm trying to use a keypress to move x left / right. 


well, it aint gonna work for me because I am making a catch game and the gsap makes it think that the Basket is in the original position and so it does not Interact with the falling objects even if you used the keys to place the basket under the falling object. 

So I went the built-in route and used Motion Paths with Relative Start points and it works great.

larry van wave

Hi Math,

I am hoping you can see why this Greensock MotionPath isn't working. I don't know if it is the variable is incorrect or something else. I appreciate your expertise.

Sample of my variables

var  tBox = document.querySelector("[data-acc-text='topBox'] > div > svg > g > path");
var  lined = document.querySelector("[data-acc-text='path'] > div > svg > g > path");

Math Notermans

As im out of the office atm its not that easy to check/test. Giving it an attempt however... do check your console for clues when debugging...

As i mentioned in a separate post... watch for changes Articulate makes in updates... as they can cause things not working. Alas this makes it even more important to stick to a specific version of Storyline when cooperating with others in heavier Javascript projects.

larry van wave

Please enjoy your time off, I will try some different approaches and see what I can do. I am curious when your back in office how you use your console (in browser, codepen or other app), because when I view this in the browser console, I am not seeing the information that will help me, it's probably me not viewing or using it right. Thank you for your quick response.

larry van wave

I updated my storyline to the latest version and registered both plugins, but I am still getting the loading error in the console. Could it be a plug in is corrupt? or a variable wrong?

console log - MotionPathPlugin.min.js:10 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')