Having an issue with rollover states.

Jul 25, 2016

Not sure if this is a bug.


All incoming animations slide out fine, when I hover over the right arrow, it should illuminate and return to its normal state after.  


What's happening is it just disappears...


Attatched my story an example.

10 Replies
Josh L

Yeah trust me Walt, I know there were two triggers.  I was attempting to get a work around. It didn't work. Removing the lower trigger does nothing, and this ONLY happens when the things are grouped together.

If it's grouped together and there is a "Hover" state, then it will change the hover state on ALL the grouped items.  Anyone had any luck with this?  I'm getting burnt out trying to come up with a working model.

Josh L
Walt Hamilton

Try this

Hey Walt!

Thanks for the help, this is actually the work around I figured out right after posting this.  Then I thought it might be a little easier if I used hot spots, so I just created hot spots above the buttons/shapes and only changed the states on hover this way.

I'm assuming both of our options are good work arounds.

What do you think is more efficient?  Using hotspots or adding a check-and-balance system on the blue side bar for each item?  I'm going to have to change the hover location on all buttons also.

Walt Hamilton

I'm not sure it matters. Personally, I've always used the shapes I have on the slide, and never gotten used to using hotspots a lot, but that's just personal preference. It might be more efficient to use hotspots, if you can make them part of the group (so they travel with the arrow), and if they will make the built-in restore on mouse leave work (although now that I mention it, I wonder why it would work for a hotspot and not the arrow.)

I think it comes down to personal workflow  familiarity, but it does illustrate how versatile SL can be if you get a little creative with your problem solving.

Glad you got it going. I like the look of the menu.

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