Forum Discussion
Having trouble with xAPI (Tin Can) not working on my LMS
We have been working with SCORM before, but now that our LMS (Docebo) supports xAPI we wanted to transition over. I published a course with xAPI and uploaded it fine, but it is not working right. Are there any tricks to using xAPI? Specifically, after completing the course, the trigger to exit does not function and the LMS is not receiving the results. As a test, I republished the course as SCORM 2004 and everything worked exactly as expected. Any ideas?
- ChristiePollickCommunity Member
Hi, Geoff -- So sorry to hear that you are having troubles! Please let us know if you are experiencing the same behavior with your course if you test in the SCORM Cloud environment as well, as it is the industry standard for LMS testing. And I am not aware of any tricks for using xAPI in the Docebo LMS, so I will need to defer to your fellow Docebo members in the community to chime in with their ideas and advice.
- EricKorbCommunity Member
Hi Geoff:
Did you ever get this working? I'm about to do the same thing.
Hi Eric,
I'm not sure if Geoff is still subscribed here, as the post is a bit older - but you could always use the "contact me" button on a ELH users' profile to reach out to them directly!
Are you using the same LMS? I'd also suggest testing at SCORM Cloud to see how it behaves and the steps here will walk you through testing.
- GeoffTannerCommunity Member
At the time of the original post, we were using Docebo version 6 I believe. We troubleshooted with SCORM Cloud and found no problems with the xAPI package out of Storyline 2. The trouble was entirely with Docebo, despite their assurances of xAPI support, and they were never able to really explain it.
Since then, we have upgraded to Articulate 360 and also recently to the latest version of Docebo 7.1 but have not attempted xAPI since the upgrade.
- SangeethaMen857Community Member
Hello Geoff, I understand your post is a year old, but, since then did you go ahead with Articulate 360 and Docebo publishing on Tin Can and have any success with it?
Thanks Geoff for the update!
- PeterBackstrmCommunity Member
I have tried and it's still not working.
I get a console error: scormdriver.js:1243 Refused to get unsafe header "ETag"
from scormdriver.jsSo it might be a cross origin policy missing somewhere?
Hello Peter and welcome to E-Learning Heroes :)
This thread is a bit dated and I'm not sure of what you are trying and what is not working :)
If you were hoping to chat with someone directly in this thread, ou are certainly welcome to reach out to the user directly via the 'Contact Me' option on the user profile if you do not hear back soon.
Otherwise, can you let me know what you are working on and having difficulty with?
- DarrinHayes-912Community Member
I see these are old posts, but I'm run into the same issue currently. We published several SL360 modules in xAPI format into our Docebo LMS and while most users can complete no problem, we have a small number of cases where users are not seeing any content (just a white screen where there should be content). The content is html5 only. They're using Chrome and have cleared cache settings, but will not getting the content. SCORM-published content plays back fine for them. Am checking with Docebo, but looks like may be going back to good ole SCORM files..
- VinceScomaCommunity Member
Hi Darrin,
Thank you for reaching out!
How odd that a small number of users are running into this blank white screen issue. Have you had a chance to test the Tin Can output in SCORM Cloud to see if you can recreate this issue? If the issue is also happening in SCORM Cloud, that could indicate there might be a snag with the course. If you can share the published output with me, I am more than happy to help! You can use this link to upload the file privately here.
Please keep us updated on what Docebo shares with you and let us know if you have any questions!
- AnnaLaMontCommunity Member
Hi Darrin, or anyone else who can contribute :)
Do we know by now if SL360 modules in xAPI format published in Docebo LMS can be completed by users and work ok? Did you have this resolved?
Thank you so much,