Help! I want multiple answers selected, but I don't think I can use this template for that. Can it be fixed?

Sep 13, 2022

In this knowledge check, I want all answers selected, but I can't, for the life of me, using this template I suspect because it's a pick one and I can't change that, get all the answers selected.  

I was able to set up the variable, but I cannot keep all the diamonds selected once an answer has been selected (they are all correct and I want each to stay selected upon click).  Is there any way to fix this without creating an entirely new slide?  What am I doing wrong?

Lastly, the Congratulations layer, in design mode, only shows one character ( I changed him because I wanted a different pose), but when previewing or publishing, two characters show up.  How do I fix that?

5 Replies
Walt Hamilton

See the attached sample.

Here are the changes I made. Some of them are necessary to get the Pick one interaction to work, others aren't.

1.This trigger seems to me to be unlikely to do what you want. Correct_Answers will probably not be equal to both one and zero at the same time.

2. Select the three diamonds, right click, choose Button Set, and select none. If they are a button set, only one can be selected at a time.

3. Add two rectangles off the stage.

4. Delete the current triggers.

5. Go to form view, and change the Correct and Incorrect answer objects to the two rectangles.

6. Add the new triggers.

"but when previewing or publishing, two characters show up. How do I fix that?"

The second character you are seeing is the character from the base. If you want not to see him, you can either use layer properties to turn off all the objects from the base slide, or you can use the timeline to turn off individual objects. Check the Try Again and Correct layers to see how this looks.

I had a lot of problem clicking on the diamonds. When I tried, they didn't respond. If I stopped right on the outside outline I could click on them, but I doubt your learners will be that knowledgeable.  The problem is that the Normal state doesn't have a fill, so when the mouse is over them, there is nothing in the center to "catch" the click. The only part that registers is the outline. Once I gave them a fill, it became easy to click them.