Help locating Elearning modules

Apr 01, 2020

Hi All

I am trying to locate the e-learning that includes, the video tutorial, the files to support and the practice activity.  Can someone point me in the right direction, please.

3 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Lee!

I can certainly point you in the right direction.

Where can I find Storyline 360 Training and Tutorials?

With all the changes to Storyline 360 over the past couple of years, we realized it was time to refresh our video tutorials. So we retired the outdated getting started tutorials and launched the new Articulate 360 Training website, which has hundreds of on-demand videos and live webinars.

Articulate 360 Training is included with your subscription and you can find it here. 

I also e-mailed you some additional resources, so be on the lookout for that :)

Let me know if you need anything further.

Lee McLauchlan

Hi Leslie

Thanks you the update and for sending through the files.
These tutorials were the best, but hey I can now easily locate them, thanks to your help. 😊

Would it be possible to create an Articulate elearning module for my team using these or is this infringing on copyright?



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