Help passing Completion status

Jul 23, 2012

Hi everyone. I am hoping someone can help me out. Here is the situation, I have a course that does not contain a quiz but it does contain a lot of branching - some branches are required and some are optional.

I want to be able to report to the LMS that the user has completed all the required material but I don't want to use the  "Track using the number of slides viewed option" because you cannot specify which slides.

I was wondering if you can use a results slide to trigger that the course is complete even if you are not using quiz questions. If this is, in fact possible, how would I set it up because I would not necessarily want it to display to the users.

The LMS is Plateau 6.3  Normal 0 false false false oNotPromoteQF /> EN-CA X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

Any ideas.

19 Replies
Steve Flowers

Howdy! Recently helped someone out in this arena. This is pretty easy to pull off by leveraging the code built-in to the Flash interface with story.html. I haven't investigated how this would translate to HTML5.

See these examples:

This one is a published SCO:

This pushes a score and completion. You could run this trigger based on any number of conditions. Here's the JavaScript:

//let's grab the variable first -- here I'm just grabbing it from an entry field

var player=GetPlayer();

var totalScore=player.GetVar("scoreCustom");

//We're going to leverage the published output method to update status from Flash

//The delimiters need to be setup just like this to jam in the array


//first argument is status: complete

//second argument is score

//third and fourth are min / max

//fifth is passing score

//sixth is type

Jase Lopuszanski

Hi Steve,

I've experienced some issues with my completions not passing through to my LMS as I needed to remove the set status trigger from my results slide as it was causing issues with tracking the number of attempts.

I've have slightly modified your above script to set only the completion. It works OK in my testing, and I have not been able to break it, but I was wondering if you could cast an eye over it to ensure that everything is as it should be?

As I only needed to force the complete status, I have added the following JS only.


Steve Flowers

Hi Ray -

By design, SCORM is only able to capture one score and one completion per packaged module / SCO. This is a limitation of the specification -- the way LMS work and interoperate with content.

You might be able to insert scores as interaction variables but that would require bending of reporting features and use of Javascript. To capture 3 scores, you may want to publish three separate SCO's.

Stoo Potts

Hi Steve!

Thanks for the great information! Your code worked like a charm in SCORM! Do you happen to know what the onBWEvent JavaScript code would look like for AICC?

I ran your code in the SCORM Cloud after publishing my file in AICC and making the necessary adjustments to the Configuration.js file in the published LMS folder. The score was written correctly but the completion status did not seem to get overwritten.

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