Help with looping back to previous quiz questions?

Apr 10, 2014

Hi everyone,

I am currently building a project that is made to simulate a face-to-face interaction. Users watch a video of a person taking, type their response in a short answer question, and then select in a multiple choice question the answer closest to their typed response. When they click on their multiple choice selection, a trigger bumps them to another video response and the cycle repeats.

If the users goes down the right path, they see a video feedback, an essay question to reflect on their response, and a button to submit responses and quit.

If the user goes down the wrong path, what we WANT to have happen is they see a video feedback correcting them and are bumped to an earlier point in the branching, giving them an opportunity to "try again". They will see the short answer question that they already answered (their old response is still visible, but that's okay), reanswer the multiple choice question, and continuing through the simulation.

The issue is, we want to collect both the incorrect responses and the correct responses. When the users revisit questions, only their rewritten response is collected, not their initial response.

The only solution I have come up with is to have the user quit the simulation at the end of each wrong path. Then their wrong responses are submitted, and they can try again. However, this forces the user to go through the instruction again and part of the simulation they have already completed, which we don't want.

I have tried everything I can think of -- layers with new text boxes, different configurations of variables, playing with the settings. Has anyone encountered a similar issue?

4 Replies
E. Syverson

That seems to be the issue. No matter what I try, the results of the first attempt are overwritten by the second attempt.

What I want to do is have the results send to the LMS without exiting the simulation, reset all quiz questions, go through the quiz again, and resend the second attempt as a separate quiz. Is that possible?

E. Syverson

I should also add that we want to collect student responses in the LMS, but the score they receive on the quizzes is irrelevant and usually "wrong". We assigned on random answer as correct (for Articulate), but for our data collection purposes, there is more than one correct answer as there are multiple ways to go down a correct/wrong path. In short, students don't pass or fail based on these quiz results, and so never they never see a quiz feedback/failure layer. The feedback layer Articulate would show them would not reflect their actual success in the simulation. (This is hard to explain, I hope was clear enough!)

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