Help with True/False Variables for Conditional Navigation

Dec 16, 2022

I'm trying to set up one of my slides so that the Next button doesn't appear until 3 buttons on the slide have been clicked.  I've tried starting the Next button off as Hidden or Disabled and use True/False variables for it to appear, but I cannot get the state to change correctly. I also want the next button to jump to a new slide once it appears and has been clicked on. I have layers set up for the three boxes that will display the text for the Reply, Reply All, and Forward options, and I want the Next Arrow button to appear once every box has been clicked, preferably in order. Any help would be greatly appreciated! 

Here is the link to the project I'm working on now. This is my first ever project in Articulate, so any other feedback would be greatly appreciated! 

This is the trigger I currently have, and what I created based on a video I watched about conditional navigation.

This is what my trigger looks like right now for the True/False conditional navigation

5 Replies
Walt Hamilton

If it works, it can be used without more practice. It's a question of how it acts in the hands of the learner, not how easy it is for you to create it. It depends on its adherence to pedagogical principles, not your comfort in creating it.

There are lots of methods for accomplishing things, and the one that you should use is the one that gets the results you want. (It occurs to me that it may sound as if I am advocating the ends justifying the means. That is acceptable only for things like program design, it is the not acceptable to determine moral and ethical actions.) As you get more practice, you may find faster/easier methods of achieving the same results, or you may be able to accomplish the same method in less time.