Help With Variables Needed

Dec 18, 2017

My client has requested that the buttons be hidden until the learner completes the each section in order. So, the 2nd and third would be hidden when going through the first, the third would be hidden while going through the 2nd, etc. I've tried setting up the variable with the T/F value, but it isn't working.

Any help or suggestion on how to fix this would be appreciated.


Note: I have viewed the lessons on Variables,but for some reason what I've done has not gotten the same result.

8 Replies
Michael Kauzlarich

Hi Shannon,

I don't think you would need to use a variable at all on this. Have the "Records" button in a normal state and the other two buttons in a hidden state.

Next, create a trigger on the NONRECORDS button that states: "Change state of NONRECORDS button to Normal when STATE of RECORDS button is VISITED".

Then, repeat same variable on the PERSONAL FILES button.

Is that the solution you are looking for?

Michael Kauzlarich

Yes, I guess variables would be needed then:

1) Have your TRUE/FALSE variable created for each button and start it at FALSE.

2) On the Main Menu slide, have a trigger that states: "Change state of button "NONRECORDS" to Normal when Timeline Starts AND if Records is = to TRUE.

3) On the last slide of the Records section have a trigger that states: "Set NONRECORDS variable to TRUE when timeline starts.

When a user clicks the "Learn More" button for the Records section they will go through that content. On the last slide of the content for Records the variable will change, the user presses the "back to main menu" button and then the Main Menu timeline starts and sees the variable has changes and so it makes the NONRECORDS button Normal.

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