Help with Visited State - Please?

Apr 06, 2022

I'm creating a course for my company and one of the (should be) simple components is changing the Vector image on my menu to a Visited state when visited. I'm using the state of "Visited". 

I have tried leaving as-is and setting Slide Properties to "Resume Saved State" - no dice, it reverts back upon revisiting the menu.

I have tried adding the trigger to change the state to Visited when the user clicks it - no dice, same as above.

I have tried setting the variable on a picture being used as a button on slide 2.4 to change to True when selected and then modifying the state of the first menu option based on that - no dice, still reverts back to Normal when going back to the menu.

What am I missing here? Adding a story file with details removed, but you can still see the menu with the Vector images as buttons (the course functions oddly in this format/looks mighty silly... but had to remove proprietary information).


3 Replies
Tom Kuhlmann

The visited state works, however you have a trigger set to change the button to normal when audio completes. Thus when they revisit, the slide is probably changing it from visited to normal because of the audio being complete.

The audio is about 8 seconds. You could put a trigger to change the state to normal when timeline reaches 8 seconds. Then when they come back, the timeline is not restarting and not going to reach 8 seconds, the visited state should remain.

See if that works.

Laura Whitton

Yeah, I saw it changing and then reverting. So what you're saying makes sense. I guess I assumed if it was resuming the saved state that the audio having reached that point would've been taken into consideration.

Your suggestion worked - I love that it was that simple but kicking myself for spending so long trying to figure it out :) Thank you!